With the Archway Carpets shop closed the Carpet Guy (Darrell Smith) updates us on the volunteering he is doing for the NHS, Age UK Suffolk and Home Start Suffolk. Darrell also finds time to catch up on some reading with The Levelled by local author John Bryant (bought from Dial Lane Books in Ipswich) while also helping out with The Woodbridge Emporium's Book Hug campaign. Oh, and did we mention some home and garden DIY too? Watch all of this here in our latest Carpet Guy!
The Carpet Guy 19 - Volunteering for the NHS
Since the Archway Carpets shop in Woodbridge closed in March, the Carpet Guy - aka Darrell Smith - has been keeping busy. When Darrell is not answering customer enquiries (yes, we're still open for them), you will find the Carpet Guy volunteering at a call centre at Ipswich Hospital. Stay tuned for more updates from the Carpet Guy.
The Carpet Guy 18 - The Coronavirus Edition
This month The Carpet Guy, Darrell Smith, updates us on how Archway Carpets is dealing with the Coronavirus. In the video, Darrell explains that, for now, Archway Carpets is open but is changing the way they work by offering, amongst other things, video meetings with customers to discuss any flooring needs.