Carpet Guy Videos

The Carpet Guy 2 - Heavily Patterned & Tartan Carpets

The second instalment from Archway Carpets' owner Darrell Smith, aka The Carpet Guy. In this episode, Darrell takes us back to the heavily patterned carpets your grandma had in her house. They, along with tartan carpets, are very much on trend and The Carpet Guy shares examples of both in different colours.

The Carpet Guy 1 - Introducing Archway Carpets

This is the first in a series of videos from us at Archway Carpets with co-owner, Darrell Smith, taking centre stage. Also known as The Carpet Guy, Darrell works with his father, Graham, based in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Going forward, we will be sharing carpet & flooring trends, buying guides, tips and any other useful situation we can think of. For now, here's an introduction to our company and what we do.